Thursday 28 April 2011

The time out chocolate bar is staring at me...

Hi All!

There is only 1 week left to see our exhibition 'Collaborative Imagination: The Dysfunction of Dysfunction' at AP Bond, if you're in Adelaide and havn't seen it yet - it's your last chance!!

Our works for Zootz are moving along. We have 30-40 boards started, but the space for about 15 max. Subject matter at the moment includes toy soldiers, indians, skateboards, trolls, owls and babushka dolls. Oh and girls with guns. A bit diverse but gives us options when we go to hang!

It seems these days you blink and we have started a new exhibition. Maybe that's why I don't sleep at night. We can't be normal?

- T

1 comment:

  1. Well, I am amazed at your work!!! its beautiful! I really like the nesting doll! I am so excited I found your blog today! I cant wait to read older post and follow your new ones!!! I would be honored if you would visit my blog and tell me what you think. I would also like to feature you. Maybe have a give away?!? I would love to hear what you think.

    thank you very much

